Are you warming up properly? You should be constantly working on moving better and having a supple and flexible body. 5 minutes of walking or running is not a warmup!
Start by getting a little blood flow happening and have some fun with a short warmup or game.
Foam roll to work out knots in muscle fibres and to improve the blood flow a bit more.
Always do joint mobility and muscle activation to actively take joints through a full range of motion to decrease stiffness and activate underused muscles.
In this video we show 3 different mobilisations you can include on your pre workout plan:
1. Goblet Squat Hold - To recruit and lengthen you inner thigh (adductor)
2. Worlds greatest stretch with rotation - Mobalise hip flexors, butt, hamstrings, quadriceps, mid back (thoracic spine).
3. Pike mobalisation with pushup- Extend a stiff mid back and shoulder joint and warmup chest.